lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Sunchild finally bought the Viking Ship that he has been waiting for. He had intended to buy it with his birthday & Yule monies, but there were none to be had. We researched online options, but they were expensive. He decided to be patient & wait for it to be in stores once more.

We went out on Wednesday, and he put it all together that evening while I was at work. The Midgard Serpent is the best part. It has interesting articulations & is well designed. We read all about his legends today, and learned that he is the brother of Fenris Wolf, and son of Loki.

Currently, we are listening to a novel called Whalesong, which is from the point of view of a humpback whale. It is so good that I think I am going to stop typing now, and listen to the story instead. Posted by Picasa


Blogger gojirama said...

That is an awesome ship- I know SC will have many hours of enjoyment with it.

8:32 AM  

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