lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Saturday, August 05, 2006

We have been on a theatrical theme lately. All day today we, worked on masks. It was good fun. I had checked out a variety of drama books out of the library, and the Sunchild immediately wanted to make a robot mask. I set him up with some materials, cut the eyeholes, and he was off. We spray painted it too- he can only wear it for a few minutes at a time because it is still a bit stinky, but he is pretty pleased with the result.

We also worked on bird masks, which involved pulling out the acrylic paints and painting sheets of paper which we then cut into the shapes of feathers and glued onto a domino mask. We have plans to do even more of this sort of thing. The Sunchild thought it would be neat to make a crane mask out of plain white paper. It will be interesting to see what we come up with.

Earlier this week, we made it out to McClane Forest, and walked the long loop. Indigo brought a slingshot, and had fun teasing the ducks. He would shoot in a direction that they weren't, and then would rush to the spot, hoping to find bread or some other delectable. The lady Wood Ducks fell for it for much longer than the Mallards did.

I am reading a new homeschooling book "Homeschooling Our Children, Unschooling Ourselves" which is a autobiographical account of one families journey through homeschooling. Reading it has helped me to remove myself somewhat from the paper chase, and focus more on the learning that is already happening. We had a great time yesterday talking about scientific notation, after he picked up a calculator and started playing around with it. Our talk branched out into how one computes 10 to the 9th power. Then we started working with 2s, and he got that pattern as well. I don't expect him to remember it at a moments notice, but he was fascinated by the way the numbers were interacting in a way that just doesn't happen with worksheets. We talked about 9s, too, and they make pretty neat patterns as well.

Of course, as soon as I let go of the need to pressure him about paperwork, he announced "I think I want to start doing worksheets on Monday." The trick, for me, is to not nag him about it on Monday- because then it becomes about my need, not his. Posted by Picasa


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