lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

We went out to McClane Creek again yesterday, since Papa hadn't had a chance to see the salmon running. The season is almost over for that, as illustrated by the dead salmon that the Sunchild is contemplating at the side of the creek. We did get to see them up close in the water, though, which was a treat. Seeing one of our favorite places after a rare snowfall was pretty special as well. Indigo was able to tell the males from the females by the shape of their mouths & the coloration of their skin. I am glad he remembered, because I sure didn't!

This morning, he finished off his Grade 1 Spelling Puzzles book that he has been working on. He handwriting is getting better in the sense that he has more of an idea of what he is aiming for. It is not as polished as it was when I sat at the table & corrected each mistake as it happened- there are still some backwards letters and his spacing could be better- but he seems a bit more comfortable with the whole idea. He really enjoyed finishing the book. It gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Off to the Freeschool now, for our homeschool playgroup day. Posted by Picasa


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