lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We went on a long awaited trip to the State Capitol today. The Sunchild has been fascinated with the structure since we first moved to Olympia, and has often asked when we could make a trip. So today we did.

The Legislative Building is the cool one with the dome. It has fabulous steps out front, like something out of a law movie. The inside is done in several different kinds of marble, and it has that grand, echoing sound that you only find in large enclosures made of polished stone. We wandering upstairs, and saw the State Seal on the floor of the Rotunda. Indigo had hoped to be able to get a view from up inside the dome, but we were out of luck on that part.

We did visit the Senate Gallery, where I got to rest my weary feet on century old wooden benches with comfy leather cushions. We talked about laws, and how democracy works, and how we could come and watch the proceedings at some point when the state congress is in session.

We visited the State Receiving Room, too, and saw some more gorgeous marble. There was even some with patches in it the color of garnet. It was really quite beautiful.

We toured around the campus for a bit longer, but our bellies began to rumble, and we cut our tour short. But we did accomplish what we set out to do: visit the cool building with the big dome on it! Posted by Picasa


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