lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Good Movies for Kids

It has been a rather long time since I have last posted. Today I came across two different web pages that had valuable links for educational videos that I wanted to curate for a future date. I often find myself in search of good media to share with my kids, and despite many mental bookmarks, often succumb to their latest fascination rather than remember the things I later wished I had watched with them.

In an effort to be more intentional in our shared media time, I want to make note of good suggestions I come across on the internet and in real life. Here the ones that sparked my interest in posting today:

This post speaks to the crazy that is Disney and suggests some alternative flicks to watch with your kids. The genderism in Disney has long made it a movie-non-grata in this house, but I have yet to watch all of these alternatives. Miyazaki, of course, is fantastic. We loved the Book of Kells, as well. But the others are on our 'To Watch' list, hence the mention here.  Enjoy!

Another guy put together something called Netflix Academy, where he is curating movies available streaming on Netflix. He is cataloging these movies into different areas, such as Science and History. It looks like a great resource for movies worth watching.

Monday, January 09, 2012

down on the farm

To celebrate the lovely weather and the New Year, we went to visit our friends farm down in Littlerock. The kids had a great time hanging out with the bunnies, and we are seriously contemplating the idea of small livestock ourselves.  The kids assure me that they can remain unattached to the babies, as long as they can name the does and bucks.  I am not so certain I can actualize the other end of the meat bunny concept. Luckily, I have been invited down for processing day, so I can discover empirically if it is something I can handle.  What a way to start off the 2012!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I have been so busy living that writing seems only a distant memory. One that I had better recall right quick, as I am gearing up to go back to college. With the Evergreen State College practically in my backyard, I feel almost compelled to make use of their assistance on my autodidactic path. Irony, that the parents are in college whilst the kids are homeschooled. But really, Evergreen has more in common with my homeschool ideals than many other colleges manage to pull off. To top it off, it was one of the 2 schools that I applied to back in high school, when a college degree was in my vision of the near future.

So now, 20 years later, and a whole lot more in touch with my essential self, I am going back to the task of getting an education, formally, and as a sophomore, to boot!

In other news, the Sunchild, at 10 1/2, is getting tall. And doing Aikido. And reading the Lord of the Rings (when he isn't reading Fablehaven, Warriors, or some other 'lighter' material.) He is steadily working through a Math book at his age level, and gaining comfort & confidence. He did well on his standardized test that I had him take to please the State of Washington. He is learning a bit of independence in doing errands to the local farm, and cooking some easy meals.

Ruby is a climbing monster, and I do believe it is no coincidence that I am finally starting to see grey hairs among my red ones. She loves the rope swing, and the play structure, and feeding her pack of imaginary dogs. She likes to count, and knows her letters, and we are even doing some pre-K writing stuff so she can 'do homework' like her big brother.

Papa has been away on a QiGong training, and we very much look forward to his return.

The garden is glorious this year, and keeping up with the harvest is keeping me rather busier in the kitchen than I am accustomed to being. I have tried my hand a 2 kinds of pickles, and the results are surprisingly yummy.

I hope to have a freezer full of goodies by the time harvest-time is over.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The kale has gone to flower, and the spring food is emerging from the earth. Days are getting longer, with pink sunsets and twilights that last forever. And we are heading to New Mexico.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I just came across this photo- I have no idea how old the Sunchild is in this picture, but he reminded me of Ruby, and it made me smile.
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Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Sunchild is enjoying having a new yard a whole lot.
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