lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

We went out to McClane Creek again yesterday, since Papa hadn't had a chance to see the salmon running. The season is almost over for that, as illustrated by the dead salmon that the Sunchild is contemplating at the side of the creek. We did get to see them up close in the water, though, which was a treat. Seeing one of our favorite places after a rare snowfall was pretty special as well. Indigo was able to tell the males from the females by the shape of their mouths & the coloration of their skin. I am glad he remembered, because I sure didn't!

This morning, he finished off his Grade 1 Spelling Puzzles book that he has been working on. He handwriting is getting better in the sense that he has more of an idea of what he is aiming for. It is not as polished as it was when I sat at the table & corrected each mistake as it happened- there are still some backwards letters and his spacing could be better- but he seems a bit more comfortable with the whole idea. He really enjoyed finishing the book. It gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Off to the Freeschool now, for our homeschool playgroup day. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow! Yes, indeed, here in Olympia there is snow. By the time we got outside, it had turned rather slushy, and the trees were dripping like crazy. It wasn't raining yet, though, and we got a chance to build a nice snowman. The snow packed really well, so it might even last a few days.

This was much more his project than the last time we made snowmen, last winter. He really got the hang of rolling the ball through the snow to make it as big as possible. I think the pine branch arms were a very nice touch. Posted by Picasa

We finally made it out to McClane Forest yesterday, and I am really glad we did. The Chum salmon are still running, and the creek is 3 times the size it was during our last visit. There was a Salmon Steward there answering questions, and the whole park was hopping.

We didn't get to see any active spawning, but we did see the salmon hanging out in the overhang in the picture. There was one who seemed to have already spawned, and who was guarding her eggs. We learned that the females have a horizontal line on them, and the males have the vertical lines along their sides. Also, the white patches on the salmon are a type of harmless fungus that grows on them once they hit fresh water & stop eating. We saw quite a few dead salmon, too, done with their biological imperative & now providing others with nutrients. The forest was full of the sound of water, and it was a beautiful day to be out in it. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006

We had a fun adventure to the gaming store in Olympia. The Sunchild has a regular 'Magic the Gathering' date with our friend E, who suggested a trip to the store for more cards, his treat. Indigo had never seen such a store, and it was fun to look at all of the role-playing supplies that they had.

After much consideration, he finally chose a new red & black deck to play. Then we all headed out for Mexican food & looked at the cards. This new deck is rather advanced, strategically, so it will be interesting to watch him learn how to play it. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 18, 2006

We have been involved in a whole lot of activities lately, where it seems I often forget to bring my camera. We spent the weekend at home, which was a nice change of pace from all of the driving around we have been doing.

The Sunchild was ready for some bookwork the other day- and really liked the idea of a project that would illustrate his own American journey. He colored a map in, and numbered the states that he has been to. He chose different colors for each trip, and another color for states that he has lived in. He also glued labels on each state, and can read all of them now. He learned that he has been to 24 of the 50 states. Not bad for a 6yo!

In other news, the Sunchild began taking Kungfu lessons recently. A friend of ours is donating space and the instructor is only charging $5 a class. Very different than the expensive Santa Fe dojang I used to run! He is loving the class. I have been suggesting he practice his moves throughout the week, which is a nice way for him to blow off steam during the execptionally rainy days.

Park day has transformed into an indoor recess at the Freeschool. The Freeschool was kind enough to donate space to the TLCers to continue our weekly Tuesday group. It is a nice informal gathering where the kids do what they will, as long as they are respectful of each other & of the space. Afterwards, my friend W joined us with her kids for a downtown walk to Otto's. She is pregnant too, and we were both dying for one of their salads.

Speaking of the Freeschool, they are also getting more organized. They have a list of Saturday morning activities through the end of the year, and we are excited to be involved in that.

In the car last night, the Sunchild discoursed to me about the 4 levels of the Food Web; the Sun, source of all energy; Producers (which are plants); Primary Consumers (who eat the plants); and Secondary Consumers- and so on and so on until you get to the Biodegraders. He is definitely learning stuff all the time! Posted by Picasa