It was a gorgeous fall day today, sunny, and warm, and all aglow with drifting leaves. We journeyed to South Chagrin Reservation's Squaw Rock, and went hiking up a beautiful ravine. The Sunchild showed his excellent off-roading skills, and was quite confident in his climbing. I will admit to being a bit nervous, especially in the wet & slippery spots, but I made it through with grace.
After enjoying our autumnal walk, we stopped at the library for our weekly trip. Everyone stocked up on various supplies. Papa brought home a plethora of new woodworking books. Sun found three Magic Schoolbus videos that he wanted to watch again. He told me today that he has three favorite kinds of movies: Popular Mechanics for Kids, Magic Schoolbus, and Bionicles. I thought that 2 out of 3 being educational is a pretty good sign. I found some more audiobooks, including several cultural folktale collections to listen to with the Sunchild. We have been enjoying the Tales from Old Ireland, and the Conference of Birds, and I thought we could continue in this vein.
We are now more than halfway through The Goblet of Fire. I know that he will appreciate these books much more when he is older, and can relate to more of the material. He does enjoy the story and the characters very much, however, and we have many good conversations about the plot. He has been thinking ahead, and is learning to try and figure out what might happen next in the story. On that note, I did bring home an audiobook by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle- perhaps he will enjoy the mystery format as well.