lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

We had a day home together, the Sunchild & I. My energy was low, and I wanted to respect that, and do what I could well, instead of pushing beyond into what I could only manage poorly.... We have been out the last few days, and it is grounding to be in our space for a chunk of time, as well.

This weekend we had a birthday party, which was fun, and involved things like running around madly, chasing snakes, and tug-of-war. Yesterday, we arose early to drive Papa to work, in order that we would have Dora to drive to the park for a homeschoolers gathering. We made it to the park, but we never did find them. We stopped in Chesterland instead, and hung out for a while there.

Last night, he had a sleepover at Nana & Grandpa's, and when he arrived, I was eager to start the day.

The Sunchild started off playing Bionicles, and I stayed present, and asked him questions about that universe. I studied the figures he made, and remade, for quite some time. We compared them to our bodies, and the articulation of the joints in each.

We played 2 kinds of Bingo today too. I made some with the Dolch words, and also some with time. We used pennies for markers, and got sidetracked several times into patternmaking with those. He also counted the numbers on the Dolch list, which were in 3 columns, and used his Stamp Game pieces to calculate the total. He also spent a bit of time at Math Cats, which is a wonderful resource I dug up last night. He liked the Architecture Blocks section and the Polygon Playground, and spent some time exploring the Interactive Multiplication table

We read Jonathan Livingston Seagull today. I had forgotten just how powerful of a book this is. The Sunchild learned today that "Heaven wasn't a place... it's inside of you", and that you can find it by "being the best that you can be at something." We had a lot of discussion throughout the book, as well. I should probably get in the habit of writing down notes during these talks.

Today, he was able to remember all day to refrain from poking me with his various weaponry. I had to confiscate one yesterday, after a well-defined & agreed-to boundary was crossed. He handled it well, at first. Then he began to feel sorry for himself, and it eventually escalated into full-blown Moon in Leo drama. I stayed pretty calm, and kept my sense of humor, mostly. We talked about it afterward, and he began to realize the importance of the lesson. I stressed that I need to feel that I can trust him not to randomly hit people. Today, he was very present with his weaponry play, and only forgot once, and immediately self-corrected. I let him know that I was very happy to see how much focus he has been putting forth today.


Blogger gojirama said...

You are such a creative mama- I don't think I've ever made a game.

1:04 PM  
Blogger jen said...

aw goji, you're sweet :)

i am trying to keep him excited about reading. the games give him something to focus on besides the fact that i am asking him to read. if we sit on the couch with a book, i get a lot more resistance, so this keeps the power struggles at bay.

6:43 PM  

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