lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Thanksgiving has come and gone, with all of the accessory intensity that holidays and get-togethers always have. The Sunchild's Nanny & Gramps (my mom, and my grandfather) came to celebrate the holiday with us. The Sunchild's uncle also came to the festivities, accompanied by his roommate. We had a wonderful, though brief visit, and a good time was had by all.

The Sunchild and his uncle spent a couple of hours playing with the Magic, the Gathering decks that I have had kicking around. They were given to me by a friend of mine, back when I lived in Santa Fe, upon my admission that I had indeed often spent long evenings playing Magic in my past. It took until Steve's visit, though, for them to find their way into willing hands. Now the Sunchild is very excited to play, and I am hoping that I remember how!

We had the truck yesterday, and so went out & about on various adventures. We had a nice lengthy library visit, and restocked our media supplies with new material. The Sunchild asked the librarian if she had any Lego books, and she came up with The Ultimate Lego Book, which is really quite amazing. There are pictures and descriptions of the models made for the LegoLand themeparks, including a reproduction of Mt. Rushmore, the Empire State Building, and Grand Central Station.

This has inspired us to go to Cap Toys, in Chesterland, and see the models there. We also learned that this little store, run by a toy train hobbiest, is a great place to buy individual pieces. We went in order to see if they had Lego separator tools (they did), and left with Buckbeak, and a bagful of scorpions. Today, we re-sorted his collection once more, so that he can move on to more ambitious projects.


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