lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Friday, August 18, 2006

Road Trip! And it was about time. We were all going a bit crazy here in town, so a drive up the penninsula was in order. We drove up to Hoodsport, and then headed inland towards Lake Cushman. It was a lovely drive, and we made it into the national forest lands too. After driving, and stopping countless times, we finally had to park Dora, because we could see that the road was collapsing up ahead, and chancing it seemed like a bad idea.

As it turned out, there was a lovely waterfall a little ways away from where we parked. The guys climbed around and I took pictures, and we enjoyed the refreshing mountain air. We made it up to 3000ft before time constraints determined that we had to head back to Olympia. It was a beautiful day, and we are excited for our next journey to the mountains. Posted by Picasa


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