lifelong learning

observations from the life of one homeschooling family

Thursday, August 31, 2006

We had a fun, creative, and productive day at home today. While I caught up on my many responsibilities, Indigo practiced a bit of writing, drew some pictures, and worked on some of his many masks. He is really enjoying playing dress-up lately, and I love how he is taking his costuming needs into his own hands.

He also pulled out the roll-end that I got from the Olympian a while back, and we made a huge map together. It is fun to draw on such a big scale. One of these days, I need to pull out the paints too, but I wasn't brave enough for that yesterday.

We have been watching a PBS documentary DVD on the history of Ireland. He liked the first episode the best, so far, about the prehistoric days, and the beautiful art & structures that the ancient people made. Last night went into the post St. Patrick era, with much talk about saints & monks. That kind of lost him, but he was very impressed to watch calligraphers practicing their art. We talked about what literacy & books meant in the ancient times, before printers, and publishers & bookstores and whatnot. When every book had to be written by hand, they were extremely precious. I think he resonated with this, as practicing his writing is something he has been struggling with lately. Posted by Picasa


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